It is a billion dollar question to repair & re-use or reject the existing structures, which are subjected to all kind of environments, service loads, and abusive conditions over the years. How safe are they?, Can we continue with same condition, then how long? Is it repairable/reusable if yes, then how? or reject them – how to come to a judgement of rejecting them. Tons of questions in the engineers mind need an answer. Condition assessment of these structures requires an interdisciplinary approach of study the material, NDT, fracture mechanics & life assessment techniques.
It is important for any designers to understand Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Philosophies, which is an important and challenging task to avoid the failures. Fatigue and Damage Tolerance Philosophies mainly deals with Safe Life Design, Fail Safe Design, Damage Tolerance Design. In Damage Tolerance Design Philosophy : Linear elastic fracture mechanics approach (LEFM) is used to predict crack stability and crack growth, Objective is to assess the effect of cracks in the structure between two inspections.